Dr. Xiaoding Wang is a professor and a key member of the Fujian Key Laboratory of Network Security and Cryptography. He is also a core member of the team for innovation in key theories and technologies of network and information security. Dr. Wang serves as an editorial board member for the CCF T2 journal “Computer Engineering” . His research focuses on federated learning and blockchain. He has published over 60 articles in high-quality international journals such as IEEE/ACM Transactions (TIFS, TDSC, TITS, TII, IoTJ, JBHI, TCBB, TOSN), SCI journals like Information Fusion and Journal of Systems Architecture, as well as top Chinese journals like Journal on Communications and Digital Communications and Networks. He has been granted 10 national invention patents, led 1 National Natural Science Foundation of China project, and 2 Fujian Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China projects. Additionally, he has participated as a key member in 1 National Natural Science Foundation Cross-Strait Key Project and 2 National Natural Science Foundation of China project.